Moving to the Trusted Advisor Role
Shows a relationship between the value of the service provider to the client and the level of trust. Is the consultant merely a messenger or does he/she add more value? When do you know that you have moved into the role of 'Trusted Advisor'? Read this article > |
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Pricing - hourly rates 1
What may happen when you quote hourly rates for engagements. Read this article > |
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Pricing - hourly rates 2
What may happen when you quote hourly rates for engagements and what you can do about it. Read this article > |
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Positive Positioning
Looks at pitfalls made by newer Independent consultants. Read this article > and if you found that one worthwhile, read this one |
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Value for Money
Considers the positioning implications of this 'offer' - one which many consultants promise. Read this article > |
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Clients from Scratch
Steps consultants can take to market their business - and continue to do so long as they practice. Read this article > |
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Speaking as marketing
Seven recommendations for fee charging professionals to adopt when using the opportunity of public speaking to promote their business. Read this article > |
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Personal Branding
Eleven recommendations for new consultants - or older ones with bad habits - to promote their business. Read this article > |
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Fee Setting
The basics on setting fees. New consultants are likely to find this article very useful. Read this article > |
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Fee Bundling
Ian Benjamin's views on why consultants who do short term engagements, may benefit from bundling their services for clients. Valuable to all fee charging consultants and contractors. Read this article > |